Généalogie acadienne

Gérald Albert dit Gerry Cormier

ID : I238954 Male

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Known to many as Butch, Gerry graduated with distinction from Saint Joseph’s College.

He worked in the finance department of Lounsbury’s in Richibucto, NB, for a short time, and then went on to the accounting department of the Canadian National Railway, at offices in both Moncton and Campbellton, NB. He was a member of the Campbell

ton Jaycees, a founding member of the Maritime Golden Retriever Club, and a life member of the Moncton Kennel Club.

His love of nature was more than evident at their home in Grand Digue, where he lovingly and meticulously cared for acres of landscape and planted more than 2,000 trees. Many can’t think of him without also thinking fondly of the ocean and the bea

ch. He and Linda happily made their home in retirement at Le Rivage, where he was VP of the condo association. And a man who, at various times, had cared for horses, cows, chickens, dogs, and litter upon litter of puppies, he was a man with a genu

ine love of animals.

His love of travel fuelled 18 winters in Florida (where he made many dear friends) and countless cruises, but he also enjoyed road trips with family exploring the coasts of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

And his deep love of family and the special relationship he had with his immediate family created a very special extended family. He was usually the host of cherished family gatherings—lobster boils, BBQs, birthdays, weddings, and get-togethers fo

r absolutely no reason at all—and his home was always open to family and friends. He loved a good lobster feed or tray of oysters, but was always willing to share.

Gérald Albert dit Gerry Cormier
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1. Cormier, Richard I238947 Male

Leménager, Anida I238946 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Wheaton, Linda Joy I238955 Female
ID : F96697
Type :
Enfants : 2
Cormier, Gerry I622993 Male
Cormier, Cathy I622998 Female

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Gérald Albert dit Gerry Cormier
I238954 Male
