Généalogie acadienne

Aurèle Frenette

ID : I258814 Male

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Aurele graduated from Bathurst High School in 1948. Aurele married Patricia Marie Chamberlain in 1954, and they lived together in Bathurst all of their lives.

After gaining experience while working at WJ Kent & Co for many years, Aurele founded his own grocery business, the Big Deal Market in 1974. The Big Deal Market became a familiar downtown Bathurst landmark with Aurele in his ever-present white apr

on and baseball hat cheerfully greeting regular customers.

Aurele was a proficient drummer and ballroom dancer. In 1955 he founded and played with his own band, The Blue Note, for many years. An avid, self-taught photographer, Aurele documented Bathurst and its people through more than half a centur

y of photographs. After his retirement in 1999, he spent much of his time with his camera looking for that next great picture. Despite his failing health in recent years, he remained passionate about photography and leaves behind many memorable im

ages of people and places faithfully recorded by his skillful eye.

Aurèle Frenette
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1. Frenette, Léofred I258798 Male

Fournier, Anna Mildred I258799 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Chamberlain, Patricia Marie I258815 Female
ID : F105728
Type :
Enfants : 1
Chamberlain, Patricia Ann I258826 Female

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