Généalogie acadienne

Renée Lorraine Blackmun

ID : I262942 Female

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Résidence Shediac en 2008

She met her husband, William (Billy) Henry Curtis, when he was in Moncton learning to be a pilot for WWII. Renée traveled to England and was married in Hartlepool on February 15th, 1947. After a stint in England, she and Billy moved back to Moncto

n in 1952 and then unto Halifax in 1957. In 1975, Renée and Billy moved back to New Brunswick and she lived in Shediac Cape until the end of her days.

Renée worked in many professions, from clerk to teacher, and she was a constant volunteer, in the church, in the community, and finally as a hospice worker after the death of her husband Billy.

Renée had a dry sense of humour, a caring heart, and could always find the good in any situation. Throughout her life she enjoyed gardening, the theatre and live music.


1. Blackmun, Charles David I262933 Male

LeBlanc, Zella Laura I262934 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Curtis, William dit Billy Henry I262943 Male
ID : F107571
Type :
Enfants : 1

Curtis, Christopher I372335 Male

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Renée Lorraine Blackmun
I262942 Female
