Acadian Genealogy

Abraham Chiasson

ID : I27784 Male

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Abraham Chiasson
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1. Chiasson, Nicolas Joseph I102719 Male

Gionet, Geneviève (1764 - ?) I102720 Female
Type : Married
Date : 16 May 1784
Location : Caraquet, N.-B.


1. Mallet, Scolastique I27785 Female
ID : F13429
Type :
Children : 9

Chiasson, Élizabeth I218561 Female
Chiasson, Sébastien I218562 Male
Chiasson, Agricole Abraham I27783 Male
Chiasson, Fabien I189371 Male
Chiasson, Louis I27894 Male
Chiasson, Jean John Climatique I218567 Male
Chiasson, Olive I218571 Female
Chiasson, Nathalie I125903 Female
Chiasson, Marie I278649 Female

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A Adopted
F Adopted by father
M Adopted by mother
O Foster child
S Step child
L Individual living

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