Généalogie acadienne

Mathurin Guillaume Williams

ID : I31781 Male

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The story is about the first Williams dit Bristol who came to New Brunswick.

It was said that he was a young boy perhaps a cabin boy who jumped ship when it anchored at Cocagne New Brunswick.

The story continues saying that this young lad hid in a hayloft owned by Joseph Goguen one of the founders of Cocagne.Joseph Goguen found him and asked him what his name was , and this little boy could not speak French and all he could say was Wil

liam from Bristol. So Joseph Goguen took him home and raised him as his own, taught him to speak French and learn catechism .When the missionary came to his home, Joseph had him baptized and gave him the names Mathurin for the Missionary Mathuri

n Bourg, Guillaume ,French for William and Bristol because it was where the young boy came from.

Mathurin was known as Mathurin Bristol and Mathurin Williams.


1. Goéguen, Joseph I7787 Male

Arsenault, Anne dit Nanon (1743 - 1770) I2780 Female
Type : Mariés
Lieu : Baie des Ouines, (Baie Ste-Anne) N.-B.


1. Gauthier, Angélique Marie (1771 - ?) I31782 Female
ID : F15011
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 4
Mariage vers 1797

Williams, Élie dit Bristol I21109 Male
Williams, Thomas I78290 Male
Williams, Agnès dit Bristol I31780 Female
Williams, Joseph dit Bristol I78877 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

Diagramme en éventail d'ascendance

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Arbre ascendant

Goéguen, Jacques
(1706 - ?) I2779 Male
Hamonez, Anne
(1720 - 1756) I3022 Female
Mathurin Guillaume Williams
I31781 Male
Arsenault, Anne dit Nanon
(1743 - 1770) I2780 Female
Bourgeois, Anne dit Annette
(1718 - 1770) I3844 Female
