Généalogie acadienne

Gertrude Thériault

ID : I330906 Female

Cette personne est décédée il y a moins de 250 ans. Pour voir cette fiche, abonnez-vous au compte Premium!

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Résidence Cape Tormentine en 2010

Gertrude had been employed with Marine Atlantic for 15 years before her retirement in 1987, and had previously worked for Acro as well as Brodie's Lobster Factory. She belonged to the St. Bartholomew's Parish, was a member of the CN Pensioners Cl

ub, the Cape Tormentine Royal Canadian Legion, Branch # 81, a life member of the Murray Corner Women's Institute and the Silver Pioneers (EBRC). She was a resident of La Residence du Marais, Dieppe for the last three years.

Grammie Fournier was a fun loving member of her community with an exceptional love of cards, bingo, travel and her cottage. She adored spending wonderful times with her greats and grandchildren and enjoyed family functions (of which there were ma


Gertrude Thériault
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1. Thériault, Abel Joseph I330894 Male

Levasseur, Anastalie dit Natalie I330895 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Fournier, Harris Henri Joseph Ernest I330907 Male
ID : F138760
Type :
Enfants : 9

Fournier, Donald I332627 Male
Fournier, Robert dit Bobby I332624 Male
Fournier, Nicole I332628 Female
Fournier, Lorraine I332625 Female
Fournier, Gérald I413932 Male ? - à un jeune âge
Fournier, Jean-Guy I332622 Male
Fournier, Jeannie I332626 Female
Fournier, Norbert I332623 Male
Fournier, Maurice dit Moe I332614 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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