Généalogie acadienne

Léonard Joseph Robichaud

ID : I40568 Male

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Liens Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

A veteran of World War 2 Leonard served with the Canadian Armed Forces in the La Malsoneuve Infantry that acted as the second wave during D-Day.

His tour of duty went through France, Holland, Belgium and Germany, being wounded twice during his service.

After the war Leonard returned home and worked as a longshoreman with the Saint John waterfront for over 30 years.

Leonard was a member of Our Lady of the Assumption Church for 42 years.

Léonard Joseph Robichaud
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1. Robichaud, Frédéric dit Fred I28923 Male

Guimond, Élise Marie I55914 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Després, Béatrice Auréa I40567 Female
ID : F18492
Type :
Enfants : 5

Robichaud, Paul I853496 Male
Robichaud, Frances I853498 Female
Robichaud, Sandra I853500 Female
Robichaud, John I786913 Male
Robichaud, Joanne I853502 Female

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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