Généalogie acadienne

Calixte (Dr) Doucet

ID : I414411 Male

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He first practised in Dalhousie, where he served the community as a town councillor and a member of the school board, until 1941 when he went to

Toronto and the United States for postgraduate study. He moved to Campbellton in 1942 when he was appointed North Shore district health officer.

In 1945, as a general practitioner, Dr. Doucet joined the Dumont Clinic, with Drs. Charles, Georges and Ernest Dumont, later concentrating on surgery. After further study and training at the Montreal General Hospital, he obtained Certificatio

n in General Surgery by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in 1952. Dr. Doucet's responsibilities in the clinic inereased as Drs. Ernest, Charles and Georges passed to their reward, and in 1965 Dr. Raymond Boulay joined Dr. Dou

cet in partnership carrying on a large practice serving the North Shore area of New Brunswick and a large part of the adjacent area of Quebec.

A highly respected doctor and active participant in community affairs, Dr. Doucet was a former President and charter member of the Richelieu Club, former President of the Restigouche Medical Society, a sponsor of the Campbellton Boy Scouts moveme

nt, and a member of the Campbellton Housing Development Board and several other organizations.

He was a golfing, hunting, fishing and carpentry



1. Doucet, Arsène I414412 Male

Chiasson, Zélie I414413 Female
Type : Mariés
Date : 12 janvier 1891


1. Miville, Yvonne I414410 Female
ID : F185891
Type :
Enfants : 9

Doucet, Fernand I414419 Male
Doucet, Marthe I414416 Female
Doucet, Benoit I414420 Male
Doucet, Paul (Dr) I414417 Male
Doucet, François I414421 Male
Doucet, Nicole I414414 Female
Doucet, Jean (Crown Prosecutor) I414418 Male
Doucet, André I414422 Male
Doucet, Helen I414415 Female

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Calixte (Dr) Doucet
I414411 Male
