Généalogie acadienne

Michel dit Mike Arsenault

ID : I430436 Male

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Résidence Dalhousie en 1993

Mike completed his undergraduate degree in Physical Education at the University of Moncton in 1975. He went on to move to Dalhousie, NB to embark on a career as a teacher and coach at LER school and Dalhousie Middle School. Being himself an athlet

e and a sports enthusiast, he shared his love of games and sports with his students. M Arsenault, dubbed 'cool teacher' was greatly admired and much loved by coworkers, students and the community at large. Since 2007, Mike had been enjoying a wel

l deserved retirement and daily walks with Debby and their dog Mica. Mike will be fondly remembered as a fun loving joker and family man. Although a private man, Mike would gather close friends and family to hisinfamous DJ contests and dance parti

es. He loved to share his passion for music and his wonderful sense of humor with the people lucky enough to have known him. Mike was at his happiest at home surrounded by his family.


1. Arsenault, Edmond I92044 Male

Cormier, Lilianne Liliana Marie Lucie I430429 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Surette, Debbie I120759 Female
ID : F193926
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 4
Résidence familiale : Dalhousie en 2011

Arsenault, Josée I450674 Female
Arsenault, Michelle I450671 Female
Arsenault, Danielle I450672 Female
Arsenault, Lise I450673 Female

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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