Généalogie acadienne

Julie Amos

ID : I497952 Female

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Julie graduated from Cole Harbour High School in 1991 and went on to study at Ryerson Polytechnic in Toronto. She started her career in the hospitality & tourism industry, moved onto the airline industry before most recently taking a position wit

h the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority at the Halifax Airport. Julie was an incredible woman with a great sense of humour, a contagious smile and a sharp wit. She leaves behind countless friends who will always remember her fondly and th

e wonderful times they shared. She always enjoyed the private jokes and laughs she shared with her older brother Andrew. From walking her to the school bus as a young girl to joining her for every major medical appointment during her fight with ca

ncer - Julie was always appreciative of her big brother's love, support and comfort. Julie was married to Christopher Burke of St. Peter's in 2009 and they were enjoying a wonderful life together - though they only had a short time together, it wa

s filled with love. Julie's greatest joy and gift to all of us left behind is her wonderful 16 month old son, Jack Amos Burke.

Julie Amos
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1. Amos, Don I497950 Male

Babineau, Elsie I497951 Female
Type :


1. Burke, Christopher I497953 Male
ID : F225295
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 1
Résidence familiale : Dartmouth, N.-É., en 2012

Amos-Burke, Jack I497954 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Arbre ascendant

Amos, Don
I497950 Male
Julie Amos
I497952 Female
