Acadian Genealogy

Théodore Bienvenu

ID : I582536 Male

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1. Bienvenu, Philippe I544114 Male

Leblanc, Louise I544115 Female
Type :
Date :
Location :


1. Leblanc, Clarisse I582535 Female
ID : F266042
Type : Married
Children : 10
Marriage Source 7 May 1934
l'Église catholique romaine Saint-Jean-l'Évangéliste, Nouvelle, Qc

Bienvenu, Théona I582537 Female
Bienvenu, Henriette I582538 Female
Bienvenu, Louis-Philippe I582540 Male
Bienvenu, Raymond I546960 Male
Bienvenu, Agathe I582542 Female
Bienvenu, Thérèse Lucille I582544 Female
Bienvenu, Pierrette I582546 Female
Bienvenue, Rachel Olivette I565831 Female
Bienvenu, Marie-Paule I582548 Female
Bienvenu, Jeanne I582549 Female

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A Adopted
F Adopted by father
M Adopted by mother
O Foster child
S Step child
L Individual living

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