Généalogie acadienne

Rémi Joseph Piché

ID : I606284 Male

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When he was ten years old the family moved to Manchester, Rhode Island. After his schooling, Remi worked in a Silk factory and a woodwork shop. He arrived in the Albertville district with his parents in the fall of 1910. His mother Leonie, starte

d a boarding house in Prince Albert. Remi filed for a homestead and after the log house was ready his parents came to live with him on the farm in Albertville. After both parents had passed on, Remi continued to farm. Some years later. he sold hi

s two quarters to his nephews, Lucien and Roch Brassard. Remi then moved in the hamlet of Albertville, where he lived with his nephew, Arthur Pellerin, Josephine's son. On January 13, 1968, Remi passed away.


1. Piché, Jules I622184 Male

Babineau, Léa I606286 Female
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Date :
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Rémi Joseph Piché
I606284 Male
