Acadian Genealogy

Wilbrod Gallant

ID : I967298 Male

This person passed away less than 250 years ago. To view this person, subscribe to a Premium account!

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1. Gallant, Ignace I549343 Male

Gallant, Béatrice I549344 Female
Type :
Date :
Location :


1. Gallant, Clémence I967297 Female
ID : F390285
Type :
Children : 13

Gallant, Lisette I967309 Female
Gallant, Jeannette I967303 Female
Gallant, Michel I967311 Male
Gallant, Noël I967319 Male
Gallant, Maurice I967305 Male
Gallant, Nicole I967313 Female
Gallant, Cora I345093 Female
Gallant, Émilien I967320 Male
Gallant, Monique I967307 Female
Gallant, Jacinthe I967315 Female
Gallant, Valmont I967299 Male
Gallant, René I967321 Male
Gallant, Lucille I967317 Female

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Legend [+]
A Adopted
F Adopted by father
M Adopted by mother
O Foster child
S Step child
L Individual living

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