Acadian Genealogy

Polycarpe LeBlanc

ID : I981000 Male

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1. LeBlanc, Alexandre I980995 Male

Broussard, Françoise (1771 - ?) I980996 Female
Type : Married


1. Boudreau, Henriette I309462 Female
ID : F128641
Type : Married
Children : 0

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Legend [+]
A Adopted
F Adopted by father
M Adopted by mother
O Foster child
S Step child
L Individual living

Ascendance Fan Chart

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Ascendant tree

LeBlanc, Alexandre
(1732 - ?) I981002 Male
Boudreau, Marguerite
(1736 - ?) I981001 Female
Polycarpe LeBlanc
I981000 Male
Broussard, Simon
(1745 - ?) I980997 Male
Broussard, Françoise
(1771 - ?) I980996 Female
Boudrot, Jeanne Anne
(1753 - ?) I367934 Female
